# Interface RangeChartDataOptions
Configuration for how to query aggregate data and assign data to axes of a Range chart.
# Properties
# breakBy
breakBy: (
Columns (or attributes) by which to break (group) the data represented in the chart.
Each group is represented by a different visual encoding - for example, color of bars in a bar chart, and is automatically added to the chart's legend.
# category
category: (
Columns (or attributes) whose values are placed on the X-axis.
Typically, the X-axis represents descriptive data.
# seriesToColorMap
Optional mapping of each of the series to colors.
# value
value: (
An array of measure columns used to represent the target numeric values for computing the metrics in an area range chart.
Each measure column defines the range of values by specifying a lower and an upper bound, providing the necessary data to visualize the area range on the chart.