# Interface AreaRangeMeasureColumn

# Properties

# chartType

chartType?: "arearange"

Series chart type, which is used with StyledMeasureColumn to customize series in a mixed chart.

# color

color?: DataColorOptions

All possible color options for data.

# connectNulls

connectNulls?: boolean

Boolean flag whether to connect a graph line across null points or render a gap

# dataBars

dataBars?: boolean

Boolean flag whether to display data bars for this measure in the pivot table.

# dataBarsColor

dataBarsColor?: ConditionalDataColorOptions | UniformDataColorOptions | string

Color options for data bars for this measure in the pivot table

# lowerBound

lowerBound: CalculatedMeasureColumn | MeasureColumn

# numberFormatConfig

numberFormatConfig?: NumberFormatConfig

Configuration for number formatting.

# seriesStyleOptions

seriesStyleOptions?: SeriesStyleOptions

Specific style options to be applied to specific series in Chart. Supported only for cartesian and polar charts.

# showOnRightAxis

showOnRightAxis?: boolean

Boolean flag whether to show this value/measure on the right axis (true) or on the left axis (false).

# sortType

sortType?: SortDirection

Sorting direction, either in Ascending order, Descending order, or None

# title

title: string

# totalsCalculation

totalsCalculation?: TotalsCalculation

Calculation for the totals of this measure in the pivot table.

# treatNullDataAsZeros

treatNullDataAsZeros?: boolean

Boolean flag whether null values are treated as zeros in the chart

# upperBound

upperBound: CalculatedMeasureColumn | MeasureColumn