# Interface ScattermapChartDataOptions

Configuration for how to query aggregate data and assign data to axes of a Scattermap chart.

# Properties

# colorBy

colorBy?: CalculatedMeasureColumn | MeasureColumn | StyledMeasureColumn

Measure column (or measure) representing the color of the points on the map.

# details

details?: CalculatedMeasureColumn | Column | MeasureColumn | StyledColumn | StyledMeasureColumn

Column or measure column representing the additional details for the points on the map.

# geo

geo: (Column | StyledColumn)[]

Columns (or attributes) whose values represent locations on the map. Support field(s) that contain geographic data (Country, City, State/Province, etc) To visualize latitude and longitude data, you have to add one field containing latitude data, and another field containing longitude data, in this order.

# size

size?: CalculatedMeasureColumn | MeasureColumn | StyledMeasureColumn

Measure column (or measure) representing the size of the points on the map.