# Interface DrilldownWidgetProps

Props for the DrilldownWidget component

# Properties

# Widget

# children

children: (customDrilldownResult) => ReactNode

React component to be rendered as context menu

ContextMenu will be used if not provided

# Parameters
Parameter Type
customDrilldownResult CustomDrilldownResult
# Returns


# config

config?: DrilldownWidgetConfig

An object that allows users to pass advanced configuration options as a prop for the DrilldownWidget component

# drilldownDimensions

drilldownDimensions?: Attribute[]

List of dimensions to allow drilldowns on

# drilldownPaths

drilldownPaths?: (Attribute | Hierarchy)[]

Dimensions and hierarchies available for drilldown on.

# initialDimension

initialDimension: Attribute

Initial dimension to apply first set of filters to