# Class DrilldownWidgetComponent

An Angular component designed to add drilldown functionality to any type of chart.

It acts as a wrapper around a given chart component, enhancing it with drilldown capabilities

The widget offers several features including:

  • A context menu for initiating drilldown actions (can be provided as a custom component)
  • Breadcrumbs that not only allow for drilldown selection slicing but also provide an option to clear the selection (can be provided as a custom component)
  • Filters specifically created for drilldown operation
  • An option to navigate to the next drilldown dimension

When an initialDimension is specified, the drilldownDimension will automatically inherit its value, even before any points on the chart are selected. This allows for complete control over the chart's dimensions to be handed over to the DrilldownWidget

# Example

An example of using the csdk-drilldown-widget component to plot a csdk-column-chart over the Sample Healthcare data source hosted in a Sisense instance:

// Component behavior in .component.ts
chart = {
  dataOptions: {
    category: [DM.Divisions.Divison_name],
    value: [measureFactory.sum(DM.Admissions.Cost_of_admission)],
    breakBy: [],
  dataPointContextMenu: ({ point, nativeEvent }: { point: any; nativeEvent: MouseEvent }) => {
    this.drilldownResult?.onDataPointsSelected?.([point], nativeEvent);
      left: nativeEvent.clientX,
      top: nativeEvent.clientY,

drilldownResult?: CustomDrilldownResult;

drilldown = {
  drilldownPaths: [DM.Patients.Gender, DM.Admissions.Surgical_Procedure],
  initialDimension: DM.Divisions.Divison_name,
  drilldownChange: (drilldownResult: CustomDrilldownResult) => {
    this.drilldownResult = drilldownResult;
    this.chart.dataOptions = {
      category: [drilldownResult.drilldownDimension]
<!--Component HTML template in .component.html-->
    [filters]="drilldownResult?.drilldownFilters || []"

# Implements

  • AfterViewInit
  • OnChanges
  • OnDestroy

# Constructors

# constructor

new DrilldownWidgetComponent(sisenseContextService, themeService): DrilldownWidgetComponent

Constructor for the DrilldownWidgetComponent.

# Parameters

Parameter Type Description
sisenseContextService SisenseContextService Sisense context service
themeService ThemeService Theme service

# Returns


# Properties

# Widget

# config

config?: Omit< DrilldownWidgetConfig | undefined, "breadcrumbsComponent | contextMenuComponent" > & { breadcrumbsComponent: (drilldownBreadcrumbsProps) => HTMLDivElement; contextMenuComponent: (contextMenuProps) => HTMLDivElement; }

An object that allows users to pass advanced configuration options as a prop for the DrilldownWidget component

# config.breadcrumbsComponent

breadcrumbsComponent?: (drilldownBreadcrumbsProps) => HTMLDivElement

# Parameters
Parameter Type
drilldownBreadcrumbsProps DrilldownBreadcrumbsProps
# Returns


# config.contextMenuComponent

contextMenuComponent?: (contextMenuProps) => HTMLDivElement

# Parameters
Parameter Type
contextMenuProps ContextMenuProps
# Returns


# drilldownDimensions

drilldownDimensions: Attribute[] | undefined

List of dimensions to allow drilldowns on


Use drilldownPaths instead

# drilldownPaths

drilldownPaths: (Attribute | Hierarchy)[] | undefined

Dimensions and hierarchies available for drilldown on.

# initialDimension

initialDimension: Attribute

Initial dimension to apply first set of filters to

# Callbacks

# drilldownResultChange

drilldownResultChange: EventEmitter< CustomDrilldownResult >

Drilldown result change handler callback

# Constructor

# sisenseContextService

sisenseContextService: SisenseContextService

Sisense context service

# themeService

themeService: ThemeService

Theme service