# Interface DateDimension

Date Dimension extending Dimension.

# Methods

# getSort

getSort(): Sort

Gets the sort definition.

# Returns


The Sort definition

# sort

sort(sort): Attribute

Sorts the attribute by the given definition

# Parameters

Parameter Type Description
sort Sort Sort definition

# Returns


An sorted instance of the attribute

# Properties

# AggHours

readonly AggHours: LevelAttribute

Aggregated Hours level (for Live Models)

# AggMinutesRoundTo1

readonly AggMinutesRoundTo1: LevelAttribute

Aggregated Minutes (every minute) level

# AggMinutesRoundTo15

readonly AggMinutesRoundTo15: LevelAttribute

Aggregated Minutes (round to 15) level

# AggMinutesRoundTo30

readonly AggMinutesRoundTo30: LevelAttribute

Aggregated Minutes (round to 30) level

# Days

readonly Days: LevelAttribute

Days level

# Hours

readonly Hours: LevelAttribute

Hours level (for Live Models)

# Minutes

readonly Minutes: LevelAttribute

Minutes level (for Live Models)

# MinutesRoundTo15

readonly MinutesRoundTo15: LevelAttribute

Minutes (round to 15) level (for Live Models)

# MinutesRoundTo30

readonly MinutesRoundTo30: LevelAttribute

Minutes (round to 30) level (for Live Models)

# Months

readonly Months: LevelAttribute

Months level

# Quarters

readonly Quarters: LevelAttribute

Quarters level

# Seconds

readonly Seconds: LevelAttribute

Seconds level (for Live Models)

# Weeks

readonly Weeks: LevelAttribute

Weeks level

# Years

readonly Years: LevelAttribute

Years level

# expression

readonly expression: string

Expression representing the element in a JAQL query (opens new window). It is typically populated automatically in the data model generated by the data model generator.

# name

name: string

Element name

# type

readonly type: string

Element type