# Function dateRelativeFrom

dateRelativeFrom( level, offset, count, anchor?): Filter

Creates a filter to isolate items with a date dimension value within a specified range after a given date and level.

# Parameters

Parameter Type Description
level LevelAttribute Date LevelAttribute to filter on
offset number Number of levels to skip from the given anchor or the default of the current day (e.g. 6 is 6 months when level is a months level attribute)
count number Number of levels to include in the filter (e.g. 6 is 6 months when level is a months level attribute)
anchor? string | Date Date to filter from, defaults to the current day

# Returns


A filter instance

# Example

Filter for items in the Sample ECommerce data model where the date is in 2011 or the first half of 2012.

filterFactory.dateRelativeFrom(DM.Commerce.Date.Months, 0, 18, '2011-01'),