# Interface WidgetStyleOptions

Style settings defining the look and feel of widget itself and widget header

# Properties

# backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Widget background color

Affects chart background color as well

# border

border?: boolean

Widget container border toggle

# borderColor

borderColor?: string

Widget container border color

# cornerRadius

cornerRadius?: "Large" | "Medium" | "Small"

Corner radius of the widget container

header?: object

Widget header styles

# Type declaration

# header.backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Header background color

# header.dividerLine

dividerLine?: boolean

Toggle of the divider line between widget header and chart

# header.dividerLineColor

dividerLineColor?: string

Divider line color

# header.hidden

hidden?: boolean

Header visibility toggle

# header.titleAlignment

titleAlignment?: "Left" | "Center"

Header title alignment

# header.titleTextColor

titleTextColor?: string

Header title text color

# shadow

shadow?: "Medium" | "Light" | "Dark"

Shadow level of the widget container

Effective only when spaceAround is defined

# spaceAround

spaceAround?: "Large" | "Medium" | "Small"

Space between widget container edge and the chart