# Interface ChartThemeSettings

Chart theme settings

# Properties

# animation

animation?: object

Animation options

# Type declaration

# animation.init

init?: object

Chart initialization animation options

# init.duration

duration?: number | "auto"

Animation duration in milliseconds. If not specified, the default value, auto, will be used with a different default value applied per chart type.

# animation.redraw

redraw?: object

Chart redraw animation options

# redraw.duration

duration?: number | "auto"

Animation duration in milliseconds. If not specified, the default value, auto, will be used with a different default value applied per chart type.

# backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color

# panelBackgroundColor

panelBackgroundColor?: string

Toolbar Background color, can be used as a secondary background color


# secondaryTextColor

secondaryTextColor?: string

Secondary text color - e.g., for the indicator chart's secondary value title

# textColor

textColor?: string

Text color