# Interface AreaRangeStyleOptions

Configuration options that define functional style of the various elements of AreaRangeChart

# Properties

# dataLimits

dataLimits?: DataLimits

Data limit for series or categories that will be plotted

# height

height?: number

Total height of the component, which is considered in the following order of priority:

  1. Value passed to this property (in pixels).
  2. Height of the container wrapping this component
  3. Default value of 400px (for component without header) or 425px (for component with header).

# legend

legend?: Legend

Configuration for legend - a key that provides information about the data series or colors used in chart

# lineWidth

lineWidth?: LineWidth

Configuration that defines line width

# markers

markers?: Markers

Configuration for markers - symbols or data points that highlight specific values

navigator?: Navigator

Configuration for navigator - zoom/pan tool for large datasets in a chart

# subtype

subtype?: AreaRangeSubtype

Subtype of AreaRangeChart

# width

width?: number

Total width of the component, which is considered in the following order of priority:

  1. Value passed to this property (in pixels)
  2. Width of the container wrapping this component
  3. Default value of 400px

# xAxis

xAxis?: AxisLabel

Configuration for X axis

# y2Axis

y2Axis?: AxisLabel

Configuration for second Y axis

# yAxis

yAxis?: AxisLabel

Configuration for Y axis