# Interface AiChatThemeSettings

Theme settings specific to the AI Chatbot component

# Properties

# backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of the chatbot

# body

body?: object

Settings for the main chat body

# Type declaration

# body.gapBetweenMessages

gapBetweenMessages?: string

Gap size between each message in the chat body

# body.paddingBottom

paddingBottom?: string

Bottom padding of the chat body

# body.paddingLeft

paddingLeft?: string

Left padding of the chat body

# body.paddingRight

paddingRight?: string

Right padding of the chat body

# body.paddingTop

paddingTop?: string

Top padding of the chat body

# border

border?: string | false

Border of the chatbot

# borderRadius

borderRadius?: string | false

Border radius of the chatbot

# clickableMessages

clickableMessages?: object

Settings for the chatbot clickable messages

# Type declaration

# clickableMessages.backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of the chatbot clickable messages

# clickableMessages.border

border?: string | false

Border of the chatbot clickable messages

# clickableMessages.borderGradient

borderGradient?: null | [string, string]

2-color gradient to be applied on the border

# clickableMessages.hover

hover?: object

Setting to be applied on hover

# hover.backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of the chatbot clickable messages on hover

# hover.textColor

textColor?: string

Text color of the chatbot clickable messages on hover

# clickableMessages.textColor

textColor?: string

Text color of the chatbot clickable messages

# dataTopics

dataTopics?: object

Settings for the data topics screen

# Type declaration

# dataTopics.backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of the data topics screen

# dataTopics.items

items?: object

Settings for the individual data topic items

# items.backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of the data topic items

# items.textColor

textColor?: string

Text color of the data topic items

# dropup

dropup?: object

Settings for chatbot dropup

# Type declaration

# dropup.backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of the dropup

# dropup.borderRadius

borderRadius?: string

Border radius of the dropup

# dropup.boxShadow

boxShadow?: string

Box shadow of the dropup

# dropup.headers

headers?: object

Settings for the section headers of the dropup

# headers.hover

hover?: object

Settings to be applied on hover of the headers

# hover.backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of headers on hover

# headers.textColor

textColor?: string

Text color of headers

# dropup.items

items?: object

Settings for the dropup items

# items.hover

hover?: object

Settings to be applied on hover of dropup items

# hover.backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of dropup items on hover

# items.textColor

textColor?: string

Text color of the dropup items

footer?: object

Settings for the chat footer

# Type declaration

paddingBottom?: string

Bottom padding of the chat footer

paddingLeft?: string

Left padding of the chat footer

paddingRight?: string

Right padding of the chat footer

paddingTop?: string

Top padding of the chat footer

header?: object

Settings for the chatbot header

# Type declaration

# header.backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of the chatbot header

# header.textColor

textColor?: string

Text color of the chatbot header

# icons

icons?: object

Settings for the chatbot icons

# Type declaration

# icons.color

color?: string

Color of the chatbot icons

# icons.feedbackIcons

feedbackIcons?: object

Settings for feedback icons

# feedbackIcons.hoverColor

hoverColor?: string

Background color of the feedback icons on hover

# input

input?: object

Settings for the chatbot input

# Type declaration

# input.backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of the input

# input.focus

focus?: object

Settings to be applied on input focus

# focus.outlineColor

outlineColor?: string

Outline color of the input

# primaryFontSize

primaryFontSize?: [string, string]

Primary font size for text in the chatbot

# primaryTextColor

primaryTextColor?: string

Text color of the chatbot

# secondaryTextColor

secondaryTextColor?: string

Secondary text color of the chatbot

# suggestions

suggestions?: object

Settings for the chatbot suggestions

# Type declaration

# suggestions.backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of the chatbot suggestions

# suggestions.border

border?: string

Border of the chatbot suggestions

# suggestions.borderGradient

borderGradient?: null | [string, string]

2-color gradient to be applied on the border

# suggestions.borderRadius

borderRadius?: string

Border radius of the chatbot suggestions

# suggestions.gap

gap?: string

Gap size between each suggestion item

# suggestions.hover

hover?: object

Setting to be applied on hover

# hover.backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of the chatbot suggestions on hover

# hover.textColor

textColor?: string

Text color of the chatbot suggestions on hover

# suggestions.loadingGradient

loadingGradient?: [string, string]

2-color gradient to be applied on suggestions loading animation

# suggestions.textColor

textColor?: string

Text color of the chatbot suggestions

# systemMessages

systemMessages?: object

Settings for system chat messages

# Type declaration

# systemMessages.backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of system chat messages

# tooltips

tooltips?: object

Settings for the chatbot tooltips

# Type declaration

# tooltips.backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of the tooltips

# tooltips.boxShadow

boxShadow?: string

Box shadow of the tooltips

# tooltips.textColor

textColor?: string

Text color of the tooltips

# userMessages

userMessages?: object

Settings for user chat messages

# Type declaration

# userMessages.backgroundColor

backgroundColor?: string

Background color of user chat messages