# Function useGetDashboardModels Fusion Embed

useGetDashboardModels(...args): DashboardModelsState

React hook that retrieves existing dashboards that the user can access to from the Sisense instance.

Note: Dashboard and Widget extensions based on JS scripts and add-ons in Fusion – for example, Blox and Jump To Dashboard – are not supported.

# Parameters

Parameter Type
...args [GetDashboardModelsParams]

# Returns


Load state that contains the status of the execution, the result dashboards, or the error if any

# Example

 const { dashboards, isLoading, isError } = useGetDashboardModels();
 if (isLoading) {
   return <div>Loading...</div>;
 if (isError) {
   return <div>Error</div>;
 if (dashboards) {
   return <div>{`Total Dashboards: ${dashboards.length}`}</div>;
 return null;