# Interface TableStyleOptions

Configuration options that define functional style of the various elements of the Table Component

# Properties

# alternatingColumnsColor

alternatingColumnsColor?: boolean

Boolean flag whether to apply background color to alternate columns

# alternatingRowsColor

alternatingRowsColor?: boolean

Boolean flag whether to apply background color to alternate rows.

# columns

columns?: object

Columns options

# Type declaration

# columns.alternatingColor

alternatingColor?: TableColorOptions

Alternating color for columns

# columns.width

width?: "auto" | "content"

Modes of columns width 'auto' - all columns will have the same width and fit the table width (no horizontal scroll) 'content' - columns width will be based on content (default option)

header?: object

Header options

# Type declaration

# header.color

color?: TableColorOptions

Color of header

# headersColor

headersColor?: boolean

Boolean flag whether to fill header cells with background color


Use TableStyleOptions.header.color instead.

# height

height?: number

Total height of the component, which is considered in the following order of priority:

  1. Value passed to this property (in pixels).
  2. Height of the container wrapping this component
  3. Default value of 500px (for component without header) or 525px (for component with header).

# paddingHorizontal

paddingHorizontal?: number

Horizontal padding around whole table Default value is 20px

# paddingVertical

paddingVertical?: number

Vertical padding around whole table Default value is 20px

# rows

rows?: object

Rows options

# Type declaration

# rows.alternatingColor

alternatingColor?: TableColorOptions

Alternating color for rows

# rowsPerPage

rowsPerPage?: number

Number of rows per page

Default value is 25

# width

width?: number

Total width of the component, which is considered in the following order of priority:

  1. Value passed to this property (in pixels)
  2. Width of the container wrapping this component
  3. Default value of 400px