# Class MemberFilterTile

UI component that allows the user to select members to include/exclude in a filter. A query is executed against the provided data source to fetch all members that are selectable.

# Example

Below is an example for filtering countries in the Country dimension of the Sample ECommerce data model.


<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { MemberFilterTile, type MemberFilterTileProps } from '@sisense/sdk-ui-vue';

const memberFilterValue = ref<Filter | null>(null);

const memberFilter = ref<MemberFilterTileProps>({
  dataSource: DM.DataSource,
  title: 'Member Filter',
  attribute: DM.DimProducts.ProductName,
  filter: memberFilterValue.value,
  onChange(filter) {
    memberFilterValue.value = filter;


# Param

MemberFilterTile props

# Properties

# attribute

readonly attribute?: Attribute

Attribute to filter on. A query will run to fetch all this attribute's members

# dataSource

readonly dataSource?: DataSource

Data source the query is run against - e.g. Sample ECommerce

If not specified, the query will use the defaultDataSource specified in the parent Sisense Context.

# filter

readonly filter?: Filter | null

Source filter object. Caller is responsible for keeping track of filter state

# onChange

readonly onChange?: (filter) => void

Callback indicating when the source member filter object should be updated

# Parameters

Parameter Type
filter Filter | null

# Returns


# parentFilters

readonly parentFilters?: Filter[]

List of filters this filter is dependent on

# title

readonly title?: string

Title for the filter tile, which is rendered into the header