# Class ContextMenu

ContextMenu component from the @sisense/sdk-ui-vue package. This component provides a context menu that can be customized with different items and sections. It allows for flexible positioning and can be easily integrated into Vue applications.

# Example

Here's how to use the ContextMenu component:

  <ContextMenu :closeContextMenu="closeMenu" :itemSections="sections" :position="menuPosition">

import { ref } from 'vue';
import ContextMenu from './ContextMenu.vue';

export default {
  components: { ContextMenu },
  setup() {
    const sections = ref([...]);
    const menuPosition = ref({ top: 0, left: 0 });
    const closeMenu = () => {};

# Properties

# closeContextMenu

readonly closeContextMenu?: () => void

Function to close the context menu. It should be a function that sets the visibility of the context menu to false.

# Returns


# itemSections

readonly itemSections?: MenuItemSection[]

An array of sections, each containing an array of items to be rendered in the context menu. Each item can be a string or an object specifying the item's properties.

# position

readonly position?: MenuPosition | null

An object specifying the position of the context menu. It should contain top and left properties to position the menu on the screen.