# Type alias PivotRowsSort

PivotRowsSort: object

Sorting configuration for pivot "rows".

This configuration allows sorting pivot "rows" either by their data or by data in a specific "values" column.

# Example

Examples of sorting configurations for various scenarios:

(1) Row sorted in ascending order by its data:

{ direction: 'sortAsc' }

(2) Row sorted in descending order by data in the first "values" column (index 0):

   direction: 'sortDesc',
   by: {
     valuesIndex: 0,

(3) Row sorted in ascending order by data in the second "values" column (index 1) under the "columns" values of "Female" (for Gender) and "0-18" (for AgeRange):

   direction: 'sortAsc',
   by: {
     valuesIndex: 1,
     columnsMembersPath: ['Female', '0-18']

# Type declaration

# by

by?: object

Sorting target configuration, allowing sorting "rows" by the data in a specific "values" column

# by.columnsMembersPath

columnsMembersPath?: (number | string)[]

Path to the target column if selected "columns" items (dimensions) are involved

# by.valuesIndex

valuesIndex?: number

Index of the target "values" item (measure)

# direction

direction: SortDirection

Sorting direction, either in Ascending order, Descending order, or None