# Interface GetHierarchyModelsParams

Parameters for retrieving an existing hierarchy models from the Sisense instance.

# Properties

# alwaysIncluded

alwaysIncluded?: boolean

A flag indicating whether to filter the retrieved hierarchies based on the alwaysIncluded field.

When set to true, only hierarchies with alwaysIncluded: true will be returned. When set to false, only hierarchies with alwaysIncluded: false will be returned. If not specified, all hierarchies will be returned.

# dataSource

dataSource?: DataSource

The data source from which to retrieve the hierarchies - e.g. Sample ECommerce.

If not specified, the query will use the defaultDataSource specified in the parent Sisense Context.

# dimension

dimension: Attribute

The dimension for which to retrieve the hierarchies.

# ids

ids?: string[]

A list of hierarchy IDs to retrieve specific hierarchies.