# Function runningSum

runningSum( measure, _continuous?, name?): CalculatedMeasure

Creates a calculated measure that calculates the running total of a given measure.

The running sum is calculated using the current sort order of the query it's used in.

# Parameters

Parameter Type Description
measure Measure Measure to apply the running sum to
_continuous? boolean Boolean flag whether to accumulate the sum continuously
when there are two or more dimensions. The default value is false.
name? string Name for the new measure

# Returns


A calculated measure instance

# Example

Calculate the running sum of the total cost from the Sample Ecommerce data model across all categories.


Running sum values from the Sample Ecommerce data model when categorizing by age range.

AgeRange Cost Running Cost
0-18 4.32M 4.32M
19-24 8.66M 12.98M
25-34 21.19M 34.16M
35-44 23.64M 57.8M
45-54 20.39M 78.19M
55-64 11.82M 90.01M
65+ 17.26M 107.27M