# Function measuredValue

measuredValue( measure, filters, name?, format?): CalculatedMeasure

Creates a measured value with the given measure and set of filters.

A measured value only includes values from items that match the provided filters.

For example you can use a measured value to get a total cost for all items where the cost is greater than 100.

Note that the filters on the measured value override the filters on the query, chart, or table the measured value is used in.

# Parameters

Parameter Type Description
measure Measure Measure to filter
filters Filter[] Filters to apply to the measure
name? string Optional name for the new measure
format? string Optional numeric formatting to apply using a Numeral.js format string. Can only be used for explicit queries. Cannot be used in charts, tables, etc.

# Returns


A calculated measure instance

# Example

Calculate the total cost across all items in a category from the Sample Ecommerce data model, where the cost is greater than 100. Additional filtering on the cost will not affect this measure.

  [filterFactory.greaterThan(DM.Commerce.Cost, 100)],
  'Cost Greater Than 100'