Use the Compose SDK CLI to work with your Compose SDK project.

The CLI has the following commands:

# get-data-model

The get-data-model command creates a TypeScript representation of a data model. Use either a username/password, API token, or WAT token to authenticate when running this command.

# Options

  • dataSource - (string): The name of the data model to create a TypeScript representation of
  • output - (string | undefined): The *.ts file to write the data model file to
  • password - (string | undefined): Password when using username/password authentication (if omitted when using a username/password to authenticate, the CLI will prompt you to enter your password)
  • token - (string | undefined): API token when using API token authentication
  • url - (string): URL of the Sisense instance that contains your data model
  • username - (string | undefined): Username when using username/password authentication
  • wat - (string | undefined): WAT token when using WAT authentication

# Example

This example command creates a data model file for the Sample ECommerce data model using username/password authentication. After running this command, the CLI will prompt you for your password. (Be sure to replace <username> and <your_instance_url> with your actual username and Sisense instance URL).

npx @sisense/sdk-cli@latest get-data-model --dataSource "Sample ECommerce" --url <your_instance_url> --output src/sample-ecommerce.ts --username <username>

# get-api-token

The get-api-token command gets an API token for authentication. Use a username/password to authenticate when running this command.

# Options

  • password - (string | undefined): Password for authentication (if omitted, the CLI will prompt you to enter your password)
  • url - (string): URL of the Sisense instance that your user exists in
  • username - (string): Username for authentication

# Example

This example gets an API Token using username/password authentication. After running this command, the CLI will prompt you for your password. (Be sure to replace <username> and <your_instance_url> with your actual username and Sisense instance URL).

npx @sisense/sdk-cli@latest get-api-token --username <username> --url <your_instance_url>