# Widget Manifest Type

The manifest object used to register new widget types with Sisense.

Name Type Description
name string Widget name.
family string Widget family name.
styleEditorTemplate string Widget editor template URL.
iconSmall string Widget small icon URL. The icon should be a sprite file of two 24x24 icons.
hideNoResults boolean Defines whether the widget renders the default no result state.
noResultImg string URL for an image representing the no result state of the widget.
noResultImgSmall string URL for a small image representing the no result state of the widget.
options object Default options object. The options object shares both common attributes along with widget-defined attributes.
sizing object Default sizing that defines the various sizing attributes for the defined widget type.
directive object AngularJS Directives used as an alternative rendering mechanism to the render method.
style object Each widget type is defined with it’s own style object.
data object Widget data manifest object.

# Types

# Options


Name Type Description
selector boolean Indicates if the widget should be a selector widget by default. Default = false.
disallowSelector boolean Indicates if the widget can act as a selector. Default = true.
dashboardFiltersMode string Indicates how the dashboard filters affect the widget: filter or highlight. Defaults to filter
triggersDomready boolean Indicates if the widget is triggering the DOM-ready event once it's DOM representation was added to the DOM in full.

# Sizing


Name Type Description
minHeight integer States the minimum height to which the widget can shrink.
maxHeight integer States the maximum height to which the widget can grow.
minWidth integer States the minimum width to which the widget can shrink.
maxWidth integer States the maximum width to which the widget can grow.
height integer States the default height set for a newly created widget of the defined type.

# Directive


Name Type Description
desktop string Desktop directive name and acts as the default name when the target device is not defined.
tablet string Tablet directive name, with the desktop attribute as default fallback.
mobile string Mobile directive name, with the desktop attribute as default fallback.

# Data


Name Type Description
selection string[] States which of the widget's data panels to use for selection.
defaultQueryResult object Defines the default query result with which the widget is served.
buildQuery function Gets a basic query object and is responsible for building the query from the current state of the widget.
processResult function Prepares the widget-specific query result from the given result data-table.
rankMetadata function Ranks the compatibility of the given metadata items with the widget.
populateMetadata function Implements the widget meta-data population of the items.
getMesaureFilteredItem function Gets the data panel item on which the measure filter should be applied.
panels object States the data panels array with which the widget is


Some of the properties of the data object need or may be of function type. These functions have specific, strict input arguments and expected outputs. They are listed below:

# buildQuery

buildQuery(widget, query)

Gets a basic query object and is responsible for building the query from the current state of the widget.


Name Type Description
widget object Widget model.
query object Query object to load widget metadata to.


query object

# processResult

processResult(widget, queryResult)

Prepares the widget-specific query result from the given result data-table.


Name Type Description
widget object Widget model.
queryResult object Data-set object.


Processed result object to be passed to the widget view.

# rankMetadata

rankMetadata(items, type, subtype)

Ranks the compatibility of the given metadata items with the widget.


Name Type Description
items object[] Items to rank.
type string Widget type (for use with multi-type manifests).
subtype string Widget sub-type (for use with multi-sub-type manifests).


-1 = Items are not supported. 0 = Items are supported. 1 = The widget is a preferred visualization of the items. 2 = The widget is the best suited visualization for the items.

# populateMetadata

populateMetadata(widget, items)

Implements the widget meta-data population of the items.


Name Type Description
widget object Widget model to populate items.
items object[] Items to populate into the widget.


This function does not need to return anything.

# getMesaureFilteredItem


Gets the data panel item on which the measure filter should be applied.


Name Type Description
widget object Widget model from where to get the item from.


The data panel item to be applied with the measure filter.

# Data Panel


Name Type Description
name string States the name of the panel.
type string States the type of the panel.
noDrag boolean Indicates if data items can be dragged in/out to/from the panel.
itemAttributes string[] Array of supported formatting attributes for the panel’s data items. Available values are color and size.
canDisableItems boolean Defines whether items on the panel can be disabled.
metadata object Defines the type of metadata this panel can work with
visibility function Dynamically show/hides the panel.
defaultFormatter function Generates the default format object to be attached by default to panel items.
canMask function Determines whether the item can be masked.
color function Applies custom coloring to every result cell.
size function Applies custom sizing to every result cell.
mask function Applies custom masking to every result cell.
itemDisabledStateChanged function Triggered when an item was enabled or disabled.
allowedColoringTypes function Determine which of the following coloring methods are supported by the given widget color, range, or condition.
itemAdded function Called when a new item is added to the panel.


Some of the properties of the data.panels[] object need or may be of function type. These functions have specific, strict input arguments and expected outputs. They are listed below:

# visibility


Dynamically show/hides the panel.


Name Type Description
widget Widget Triggering widget.


boolean value indicating whether the panel should be shown in the widget editor.

# defaultFormatter

defaultFormatter(widget, item)

Generates the default format object to be attached by default to panel items.


Name Type Description
widget Widget Triggering widget.
item MetadataItem Triggering item.


Default formatting object.

{ type: "range", steps: 9, rangeMode: "auto" }

# canMask


Determines whether the item can be masked.


Name Type Description
item Widget Triggering item.


boolean value indicating whether the item can be masked.

# color

color(data, cell, item, widget)

Applies custom coloring to every result cell.


Name Type Description
data Cell data.
cell Triggering cell.
item MetadataItem Metadata item to which the given cell belongs.
widget Widget Triggering widget.


string color value

# size

size(data, cell, item, widget, minvalue, maxvalue)

Applies custom sizing to every result cell.


Name Type Description
data Cell data.
cell Triggering cell.
item MetadataItem Metadata item to which the given cell belongs.
widget Widget Triggering widget.
minvalue Min value in the item's column.
maxvalue Max value in the item's column.


float number between 0 and 1

# mask

mask(data, cell, item, widget)

Applies custom masking to every result cell.


Name Type Description
data Cell data.
cell Triggering cell.
item MetadataItem Metadata item to which the given cell belongs.
widget Widget Triggering widget.


string masked value

# itemDisabledStateChanged

itemDisabledStateChanged(widget, item)

Triggered when an item was enabled or disabled.


Name Type Description
widget Widget Triggering widget.
item MetadataItem Triggering item.


This function does not need to return anything.

# allowedColoringTypes


Determine which of the following coloring methods are supported by the given widget color, range, or condition.


Name Type Description
widget Widget Triggering widget.


An object stating which coloring methods are supported.

    color: boolean,
    range: boolean,
    condition: boolean

# itemAdded

itemAdded(widget, item)

Called when a new item is added to the panel.


Name Type Description
widget Widget Widget triggering the callback.
item MetadataItem Added item.


This function does not need to return anything.

# Data Panel Metadata


Name Type Description
types string[] Defines the JAQL types the panel can hold - measures and dimensions (I/E ["measures", "dimensions"] allows addition of both measures and dimensions.
maxitems integer Defines the maximal number of items the panel can hold.
mixed boolean Defines whether the panel can mix both Measures and Dimensions.
sortable function Determine whether a given item in the given widget instance can be sorted.


Some of the properties of the data.panels[] object need or may be of function type. These functions have specific, strict input arguments and expected outputs. They are listed below:

# sortable

sortable(widget, item)

Determine whether a given item in the given widget instance can be sorted.


Name Type Description
widget Widget Triggering widget.
item MetadataItem Triggering item.

