# Type alias AppConfig

AppConfig: object

Application configuration

# Type declaration

# accessibilityConfig

accessibilityConfig?: object

Accessibility configuration. Set the accessibilityConfig.enabled property to true to enable accessibility features for charts built with Highcharts.

Once the accessibility configuration in enabled, you can use the default descriptions or choose to create custom configurations for the descriptions of a chart, its axes, its series, and values description formatting. To create custom configurations, use the highchartsOptions object that is passed to the BeforeRenderHandler of the chart's onBeforeRender callback. Modify the object using the accessibility options as described in the Accessibility module documentation (opens new window).

Note that enabling accessibility also causes markers to appear in charts even if they are disabled using the chart's styleOptions.

This feature is in alpha.

# accessibilityConfig.enabled

enabled?: boolean

Whether to enable accessibility features

If not specified, the default value is false

# dateConfig

dateConfig?: DateConfig

Date Configurations

# errorBoundaryConfig

errorBoundaryConfig?: object

Configuration of the component that is rendered in case of an error

# errorBoundaryConfig.alwaysShowErrorText

alwaysShowErrorText?: boolean

Whether to show error text without hovering over the error icon

If not specified, the default value is false

# loadingIndicatorConfig

loadingIndicatorConfig?: LoadingIndicatorConfig

Loading Indicator Configurations

# locale

locale?: Locale

A date-fns Locale (opens new window)

# queryCacheConfig

queryCacheConfig?: object

Query Cache Configurations

This feature is in alpha.

# queryCacheConfig.enabled

enabled?: boolean

Whether to enable query caching

If not specified, the default value is false

# queryLimit

queryLimit?: number

Query limit (max rows count that will be fetched in query)

# Default