# Function useExecuteQueryByWidgetId Fusion Embed

useExecuteQueryByWidgetId(...args): QueryByWidgetIdState

React hook that executes a data query extracted from an existing widget in the Sisense instance.

This approach, which offers an alternative to ExecuteQueryByWidgetId component, is similar to React Query's useQuery hook.

# Parameters

Parameter Type
...args [ExecuteQueryByWidgetIdParams]

# Returns


Query state that contains the status of the query execution, the result data, the constructed query parameters, or the error if any occurred

# Example

The example below executes a query over the existing dashboard widget with the specified widget and dashboard OIDs.

 const { data, isLoading, isError } = useExecuteQueryByWidgetId({
   widgetOid: '64473e07dac1920034bce77f',
   dashboardOid: '6441e728dac1920034bce737'
 if (isLoading) {
   return <div>Loading...</div>;
 if (isError) {
   return <div>Error</div>;
 if (data) {
   return <div>{`Total Rows: ${data.rows.length}`}</div>;
 return null;

See also hook useExecuteQuery, which execute a query specified in code.